New Document (toolbox)

This layer will appear if you click on open file, or new document from the file menu.

Open a document

Open document
Doubbleclick to open the "open document" dialog.

Open from web
Doubbleclick to open the open from web dialog. Click here to learn more about this dialog

Recently used documents
The rest of this list shows a list of document that recently were used.

PS: If you click on the "-------" item, nothing will happend. This is just a divider.


In this list you can choose between different blank document templates you can use. By default you should use "New page wizard" or "HTML document".


If you doubbleclick on one of theese items, a new document with the code from the template will pop up. You can add your own templates by saving a document into the "Template" directory under the Selida directory.


This can be confusing in the beginning, so if you want to have it the old way: Just click on the open and new icons in the toolbar.

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